Healthy Eating from the Afterschool Buddy®Kitchen!
Learn how to make great recipes with Aunt Junk® & special guest chefs!
We've assembled an All-Star team that can cook in our Afterschool Buddy® Kitchen, or take our healthy cooking, healthy eating show on the road! From live demonstrations at grocery stores, schools, summer camps and hospitals, we bring knowledge, fun and excitement in person and on DVD's, TV and online.
Our secret recipe is experience! Did you know Aunt Junk (Susan Brozek Scott) was the Creator, Executive Producer and Co-Host of "Pittsburgh's Cooking" in the 1990's that appeared on WPXI-TV and it's cable station PCNC? So, why not try a taste of something exciting, fresh and new, that's served with a good bit of "seasoning"!. Email or call 412-486-2151 to book us, sponsor a live show or video, or to join the fun in our audience during an upcoming taping!